1. If scanner showing ticker, how safe is it to buy the equties? 
    We recommend all day orders based on OCO or at least have a stop! Market is volatie, depending on the positive days, most should break out! on Sell out days, it could raise and then sell signal right after. OCO or orders with stops right below purchase price or moving averages, is always recommended on all day trading orders!

  2. Are charts available?
    Soon via trading live video streams or attached to emails we send with scanners periodically! 

  3. When you see stocks in scanners, do you buy them right away?
    We inspect the scanner output with our charts and moving averags and we then zoom out to 1 week, 10 days and 20 days and more to see the trend so we can go for longer swing trades. We might also use OCO for just the day trade! Must always do 1 minute of additional proof homework before you trade! This applies to all good trading discplines!


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